Dear pompously, self-righteous people. Please do me a favor and go fuck yourselves. Not in the literal sense - that's too pleasurable. Although you are probably wrinkling your nose in disgust at the very thought. Those of you who are giggling right now, are not my intended "I hate you so mother-fucking-much-right-now" audience, but you will quite possibly get a kick out of this. Anyway, I mean go fuck yourselves, by taking a good look in the mirror and seeing what a truly messed up individual you are. Quite possibly do the rest of us a favor and minimize your interfering, facebook, holier-than-thou attitude to nothing. If you need to, just type a little god fearing speech every now and then (those posts are really easy to hide), but please, butt out of my life.
So, I am mainly writing this because it has come to my attention in Portland, that people in my hometown of Collbran (fucking Collbran) Colorado have a problem with my use of the goddamn English language. Apparently, it's at times a little uncouth and vulgar; I prefer the coined (by me of course) phrase eloquent rainbowed diction. But only when you really piss me off. For example, if you are a goddamn hypocrite criticizing me for standards that are in your translated book that some old dudes wrote, probably while high on hasheesh or opium or something (drugs are not really in my knowledge base), to which, by the by, you EPICALLY FAIL at attempting yourself, I get a little pissy. Well, really pissy, but that's a minor detail.
So I will address this first fucking issue of my usage of goddamn. You may see it in such phrases as goddamnit, or goddamn-motherfucker, or goddamn you to hell you ass-licking cunt fucking son-of-a-bitch. Ya know, the usual things. Two things: One ---->>>NOT RELIGIOUS<<<----; Two, if religion happens to be your cup of tea (which BY THE WAY, I don't care if you are! If it's what makes life easier for you, and if it is what you need then I'm happy you have something to work towards) you SORELY need to understand what I am about to say. So get off of your high-offended-horse and listen. Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain, right? So, DO NOT fight a goddamn war and say it's because of god, DO NOT claim you are a better human being because your god said so, which puts your pompous ass on a pedestal above the rest. You eat, fuck, and shit just like everyone else. No one is ever better than anyone else because of a religion, but because of their actions and how they help others not harm... I mean, like, duh, right?
This is, apparently, where I have really pissed people off. I'm sorry, don't be my friend. Chances are if this offends you then I wouldn't have friend requested you anyway because your worldview is limited. You can't conceive what it's like to be in another person's position, or imagine what it's like for other people to have to deal with your anger and hate that you are spewing like Mount-fucking-Vesuvius.
Chances are, the people that are pissed off are conservatives, and while I'm not one to judge another by their beliefs, this anger towards me tends to come from conservative-butter-inners. (Side note/FYI: conservatives tend to take issue with the "lack of freedom to choose," which means that they believe that many of our civil liberties and every day choices are getting taken away by the government.) These BUTTINSKIES ARE THE ONES WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO CENSOR MY GODDAMN PROFANITY and they are demanding that I be more pious. Where is my freedom to choose to do what the hell I want to do? Why can't I exercise my fucking freedom of speech? Not to mention all the other people who would like to choose who they marry, amongst the other choices...but I digress from my original mother fucking point. (Oh and just to be lucid, I identify with no party.)
(Speaking of it mother fucker, or motherfucker, or mother-fucker? My computer and I seem to be having a disagreement as to which is proper.)
What really grinds my gears about this whole situation is that the people who are berating me for my "choice words" are the same people who are breaking like five much more damaging commandments. So, again, look in the mirror, look at your surroundings, and know your own screwed up situation before you go parading on mine. Let's say the pious people involved (hypothetically of course) have children out of wedlock, are divorced, have dishonored their mother and/or father, have coveted (let's not lie this means wanna fuck the brains out of) their neighbors and others' wives/husbands. Probably during their fallacious high school days broke a number of commandments, laws and what have you. So, to these people, I'm just like, REALLY?
Fucking hypocrites...
All jokes and antagonizing remarks aside, I have been treated indignantly without provocation and I'm calling bullshit. Everyone has their days within which the weight of the world seems too oppressive, and they have every right to express their views articulately and in whatever cogent way they want. Largely, that is what social media has become; a way to express views, frustrations and mundane daily occurrences. The fact that people want to regulate and repudiate what others profess is downright retarded and better not happen. Oh and if you are thwarted by my lexicon, maybe you should spend less time preaching on facebook and more time scrutinizing yourself. Realize that there is more to life than loathing and educate yourself; expand your world view. I fucking dare you.
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