Monday, June 10, 2013

Insanity and Suicide Around the World

So I've decided to post about "The GM Genocide" because it 1) really needs to get out there and 2) I don't know how much people are talking about this (I haven't heard anything on the local news at least).  This kind of further proves (to me anyway) how business tycoons put business first and people second.  It's one of the major reasons why our current health care system fails.  Businesses don't care about people, they care about making money.  (Maybe you've heard about the recent uproar concerning the CEO of the Breast Cancer Foundation - she just took a 60% pay increase, she now makes well over $600,000, while people like me are struggling to get over 12k per year.)

I would really like it if people could comment on this and we could get a discussion going, maybe people write updates or something, but I know I'm kind of dreaming big for my little blog.  To summarize - briefly - what the article says that big businesses are trying to get countries (India) to grow GMO products (genetically modified organisms).  Plants are basically manipulated to grow "bigger and better" and some are supposed to be bug resistant.  What happens more often than not when you genetically modify foods is that they won't grow - just because we think we understand genetics and how things work isn't necessarily accurate and doesn't mean we should be changing things around.

Small time farmers in India are borrowing money from people to purchase these expensive GMO seeds, instead of farming the traditional way.  What is happening is that they are getting a whole bunch of seeds that won't grow.  If the crops don't grow, that means that these farmers aren't getting paid.  Now I know most of us understand what happens when you don't get paid, but imagine having a larger family to support.  Everyone is working in the fields, and trying to earn money, but it doesn't work.  That is a lot of unneeded stress in life, so how do you escape?  Well, apparently THOUSANDS of farmers are killing themselves each month because they see no other escape.  It's becoming so commonplace that people aren't even bothering to even attempt to help or save them.

What are the big, pro-GMO people saying and how are they reacting?  They are saying it's just the stress of living in the country.  It's typical for people to kill themselves and it's normal.  WHEN IS KILLING YOURSELF NORMAL?  People need help, not to be dismissed.  What's worse is after the husbands have killed themselves, a lot of wives take over the farm and try to get it to grow, but are in such a big debt, they too kill themselves.  And guess what that does.  It leaves kids parentless and a "burden" to other family members.  It seems to me like it's a vicious cycle, ya know?

I'm not saying let's rally the troops and get involved (unless that's what you want to do).  I just want you to be informed of what's going on around the world.  Often times we get censored from what's going on worldwide, and how big businesses is kind of running (and ruining) everything.  People in power will typically put themselves and their money first; it's like they forget other people outside of their little bubble exist.  But everyone around you has real-world experiences and lives, ya know?  Thank god for the digital age.  Now we can inform each other of what's going on and hopefully be proactive about it.

Again, I hope that you comment or discuss below, because that would be pretty cool, and I would like to get other people's views and opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently the article was written in 2008 - so maybe something has happened since then? I didn't really know that it was happening at the time - still, thoughts are appreciated.
