It's been a while. I've been busy. I started a new job. Not archaeology, which bums me out, but would you like some solar panels for your house? It's great and now much more affordable than it used to be! Not to mention there is a 20 year warranty that covers anything if it breaks...just saying. Work has infiltrated my life.
I have also decided (whether or not it's a good idea, time will tell) to try and make an appearance on television. I'm not asking for much, I just want like, a background character or a commercial for something or other. Ya know, it's my bucket list year (which that snuck up on my quickly) so I am trying to do this. I had a photo shoot today, which has impressed absolutely none of my friends, but I am like ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'm kind of one of those introverted people, who hates doing things that requires, ya know, spotlight type stuff, so I am 1) working on it, and 2) actually pushing myself. I just like to have people be proud of me, or say "oh I wish I had the balls to do stuff out of my comfort zone." But no, instead I get the reaction of ignor-ation. It's not fun, and not what I wanted. But all well, I'M proud of me, which is the biggest thing. Plus, I think? I got complemented by the photographer, he said I was very 50's-esque, which I like the look of that era.
Other updates in my life include I have actually been working out rather regularly, and I am running! Who knew I could do such a thing? I used to be pretty heavy for my height, and over the last two years my man and I have been working out to keep it off, but now I am actually running! I used to get made fun of alllllll the time in elementary and middle school for running so slow and being kinda chunky. People never took into account that because I was so small and had such short legs, it might actually take me a lot longer and a lot more steps to go the same distance. But now, thanks to my man and his encouragement and support, I know I can do more than a lot of people, and I do it with confidence. Who has confidence? Not a lot of people, they tend to fake their way through that...I even got told today that I came across as an ageless, confident woman. Ego boost? Yes, please.
One thing I really need to do though, is get on taking the GRE. I don't really like taking tests, I think they're stupid. However, I understand the importance of the GRE. You see, when you want to go to grad school, essentially you need a professor to back you up on the research that you will be doing. Their name is attached with all of your work, so if you are incompetent and unable to come across professionally, you will not be doing them any favors. They want someone who will boost their name academically. It's kind of a cheap copout because they have a way to take credit for your work, and I am sure with some professors it's a lot more of that, but I think for the most part it shouldn't be too bad. But like I said, I don't really like tests. However, I know it's what I need to do to further my awesomeness in my career. Plus, I have a really badass thing I want to do, and I want to start it soon. The problem is that goddamn test. Well, I could probably blab on for a while, but I will call it good for now.
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