Monday, December 17, 2012

Mayan Apocalypse: Philosophy of the Mayan Religion

Dear readers,

I would like to consider myself a semi-expert on ancient Mayan culture.  It is what I went to school for and what I like to read about constantly in books, online articles, magazines, etc.

Like many of my friends and colleagues, maybe even some of you constant internet visitors, I am quite sick of reading about the "Mayan Apocalypse" and how we are all going to die in some sort of Christian like end of days time.  The Mayan religion says nothing of the sort; what is currently believed by most people (end of days) is purely a misinterpretation of a calendar.  For example, we don't go crazy on January 31st every year just because our calendar ends, right?  The Mayan calendar just happens to be 144,000 days long (aka Long Count) during this particular cycle (Bak'tun).

Here is an excerpt from the Archaeology November/December 2012 issue.  I think this will help clarify and explain the basics concerning this time in the Maya religion.

“2012 marks the completion of a cycle of 13 Bak’tuns, corresponding to 5,125 years and its meaning is fundamental in Maya mythology.  Rather than marking the end of a period, 2012 represents the BEGINNING of a new era given that calendric cycle changes are an opportunity for positive renewal, according to Maya philosophy…

13 Bak’ tun

On December 21, 2012 we’ll celebrate the end of the Oxlajuj B’a’tun or 13 Bak’tun and the start of a new era that should be seen as an opportunity for positive renewal to generate changes in our society and human nature in general.  This is the Maya philosophy and is based on the knowledge and interpretation of the legacy left by the ancient Maya in their calendars. 

Measuring time has always been central in Maya Cosmology.  The Long Count was one of the calendars bused by the ancient Maya, especially to record important historical events.  This time measuring system consists of counting the days from an initial date or <<year zero>>, measured according to five periods (K>in, Winal, Tun, K>atun and Bak’tun) based on a vigesimal system.  The greatest period, the Bak’tun, consists of 144,000 days.

The initial date of the Long Count was recorded by the Maya in several monuments…The date was not recorded as, but as, and corresponds to day 4 Ajaw on the Tzolkin Calendar and 8 Kumk>u on the Solar Calendar or Ja’ab.  According to the inscription at Quirigua, the initial event of the Long Count can be interpreted as a creation, expressed metaphorically as the positioning of three scared stones by a pair of creator gods.

The fact that the starting date is indicates that this is, at the same time, the date when a previous cycle ended.  From this data, the Long Count is then considered to be the measurement of cycles of 13 Bak’tuns, ie 1,872,000 days (5,125.26 Gregorian years).  The end of the cycle that began on August 11, 3114 BC, will be December 21, 2012, which in Maya connotation is 4 Ajaw 13 Kankin…

Much has been said about the end of this cycle, once it reaches the 13 Bak’tun, often with an apocalyptic connotation.  However, for the ancient Maya this didn’t represent the end of the Long Count or the end of the world.  This can be proven by the nature of interpretations of the Tortuguero monument and by two inscriptions Cobá, which recorded Long Count dates far greater than the cycle of 13 Bak’tuns.

The 13 Bak’tun is not to be confused with the catastrophes of other Mesoamerican cultures’ mythologies, such as the <<Era of the Suns>> of the Aztecs or the failed creations narrated in the Popol Vuh.  Either way, the meaning of these myths is not focused on disasters that wiped out humanity, but in the social and spiritual transformations, that occurred.”  - Credits Counterpart International, Archaeology November/December 2012.

So to summarize - no apocalypse.  It is like an ascension to a higher plane of existence, but consciously not on a subconscious level.  I've read somewhere that the Mayans believe that everyone in the world will awaken to this new consciousness, and honestly it is something that I hope for.  People need enlightenment and need to be more open minded, but also realize that it will take hard work in order to get there...anyway before I go off on a tangent, I just thought I should tell people whats up, and hopefully not too many people will go bat-shit-crazy on the 21st.

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Letter to the Biebs...aka Justin Bieber

Dear Justin Bieber: aka The Biebs/The Biebster,

I have a bone to pick with you and your new song, "Beauty and the Beat," even though it's slightly catchy.  It would be obvious to point out and discuss the shallowness of how all you need is a beauty and a beat (really?), so instead I am going to point out the flaw in your "party like it's 1312" idea.  First of all, why?  Do you want an incurable disease?  Particularly the ever popular neural degenerative diseases?  You probably wouldn't get them though, because there were some wars being fought in places and since you wouldn't be able to sing your way out of the situation...well, you can use your imagination...If you were to assess the party from more of a fashion/mainstream/elitist point of view, it's an interesting choice.  Very "Game of Thrones" fashion-esque.  Can't condemn you on that I suppose; I find it pretty cool, but I don't know about the dances.  Did you know Templars disbanded in 1312?  Such a crazy year to party in!  Maybe I agree with your choice after all.  Neat idea.  Keep them coming.


P.S.  "off" is one syllable, not two.  So don't say's weird.  Thanks.

#JustinBieber, #Bieber

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blog Humbug!

It's been a long time since I've written a blog, and I realize I have promised a lot to my readers recently.  I am still working on those blogs, but recently life really sucks; I can't focus and I'm either really angry or really sad (mostly both at the same time).  I'm stuck in a rut and really unhappy about it, but unsure of how to proceed.

So again, I am unemployed because the project I was working on is finished.  And despite my best efforts to charm my way into the company, I couldn't because they are literally a three man operation with a budget for no body else.  WHICH BLOWS SO FUCKING MUCH!  I am a good hard-worker, everyone enjoyed working with me (I think), and I loved working with this company.  But funds are low, and I'd rather not see them go belly-up because they are pretty cool people.  So, while I was emphasizing that I could do stuff like wash the car, organize the office, etc., I wasn't trying to be too pushy about staying employed with them.  Which leads me to my current unemployed predicament.

I have been getting so upset my this unstable employment thing I have been thinking about going back to school to get a BS in health nutrition, or a personal trainer/group training certificate.  That way I would have something a little more stable to help me get through these rough patches.  The problem with that is it costs money to get these degrees and certifications, and since the holidays are coming up I basically have no money to pursue these ideas.  I basically have no money for holiday presents either, which is super obnoxious because I love giving people gifts.  I mean, sure, material things aren't really needed, but I like getting Forrie things he wouldn't normally buy himself, and I love seeing the look of puzzlement on my niece's face when I get her something that is a little obscure.  And so I'm just overly frustrated with this.

I also have made so many promises and commitments that I need to do for people, like, now.  And you say to me, "well just sit down and do it." Yeah, easy for you to say.  I can't focus on anything, and more importantly my stubborn-ness is telling me to screw it.  So I thought to myself, maybe if I go outside of the apartment I can do something.  Not so much.  IT IS FUCKING LOUD IN THE WORLD TODAY.  It's one of those days when you go to the coffee shop to enjoy yourself and just get angry and everyone for being obnoxious.

And for the cherry of my frustrated sundae, my writing is terrible!  So I am writing this uncogent blog in hopes of getting it out of my system.  This is a dumb blog, I don't blame you for losing interest.  I have.  Have a good day.


Monday, October 22, 2012

English Language Use: Profanities

Dear pompously, self-righteous people.  Please do me a favor and go fuck yourselves.  Not in the literal sense - that's too pleasurable.  Although you are probably wrinkling your nose in disgust at the very thought.  Those of you who are giggling right now, are not my intended "I hate you so mother-fucking-much-right-now" audience, but you will quite possibly get a kick out of this.  Anyway, I mean go fuck yourselves, by taking a good look in the mirror and seeing what a truly messed up individual you are.  Quite possibly do the rest of us a favor and minimize your interfering, facebook, holier-than-thou attitude to nothing.  If you need to, just type a little god fearing speech every now and then (those posts are really easy to hide), but please, butt out of my life.

So, I am mainly writing this because it has come to my attention in Portland, that people in my hometown of Collbran (fucking Collbran) Colorado have a problem with my use of the goddamn English language.  Apparently, it's at times a little uncouth and vulgar; I prefer the coined (by me of course) phrase eloquent rainbowed diction.  But only when you really piss me off.  For example, if you are a goddamn hypocrite criticizing me for standards that are in your translated book that some old dudes wrote, probably while high on hasheesh or opium or something (drugs are not really in my knowledge base), to which, by the by, you EPICALLY FAIL at attempting yourself, I get a little pissy.  Well, really pissy, but that's a minor detail.

So I will address this first fucking issue of my usage of goddamn.  You may see it in such phrases as goddamnit, or goddamn-motherfucker, or goddamn you to hell you ass-licking cunt fucking son-of-a-bitch.  Ya know, the usual things.  Two things: One  ---->>>NOT RELIGIOUS<<<----; Two, if religion happens to be your cup of tea (which BY THE WAY, I don't care if you are!  If it's what makes life easier for you, and if it is what you need then I'm happy you have something to work towards) you SORELY need to understand what I am about to say.  So get off of your high-offended-horse and listen.  Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain, right?  So, DO NOT fight a goddamn war and say it's because of god, DO NOT claim you are a better human being because your god said so, which puts your pompous ass on a pedestal above the rest.  You eat, fuck, and shit just like everyone else.  No one is ever better than anyone else because of a religion, but because of their actions and how they help others not harm... I mean, like, duh, right?

This is, apparently, where I have really pissed people off.  I'm sorry, don't be my friend.  Chances are if this offends you then I wouldn't have friend requested you anyway because your worldview is limited.  You can't conceive what it's like to be in another person's position, or imagine what it's like for other people to have to deal with your anger and hate that you are spewing like Mount-fucking-Vesuvius.

Chances are, the people that are pissed off are conservatives, and while I'm not one to judge another by their beliefs, this anger towards me tends to come from conservative-butter-inners.  (Side note/FYI: conservatives tend to take issue with the "lack of freedom to choose," which means that they believe that many of our civil liberties and every day choices are getting taken away by the government.) These BUTTINSKIES ARE THE ONES WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO CENSOR MY GODDAMN PROFANITY and they are demanding that I be more pious.  Where is my freedom to choose to do what the hell I want to do?  Why can't I exercise my fucking freedom of speech?  Not to mention all the other people who would like to choose who they marry, amongst the other choices...but I digress from my original mother fucking point.  (Oh and just to be lucid, I identify with no party.)

(Speaking of it mother fucker, or motherfucker, or mother-fucker?   My computer and I seem to be having a disagreement as to which is proper.)

What really grinds my gears about this whole situation is that the people who are berating me for my "choice words" are the same people who are breaking like five much more damaging commandments.  So, again, look in the mirror, look at your surroundings, and know your own screwed up situation before you go parading on mine.  Let's say the pious people involved (hypothetically of course) have children out of wedlock, are divorced, have dishonored their mother and/or father, have coveted (let's not lie this means wanna fuck the brains out of)  their neighbors and others' wives/husbands.  Probably during their fallacious high school days broke a number of commandments, laws and what have you.  So, to these people, I'm just like, REALLY?

Fucking hypocrites...

All jokes and antagonizing remarks aside, I have been treated indignantly without provocation and I'm calling bullshit.  Everyone has their days within which the weight of the world seems too oppressive, and they have every right to express their views articulately and in whatever cogent way they want.  Largely, that is what social media has become; a way to express views, frustrations and mundane daily occurrences.  The fact that people want to regulate and repudiate what others profess is downright retarded and better not happen.  Oh and if you are thwarted by my lexicon, maybe you should spend less time preaching on facebook and more time scrutinizing yourself.  Realize that there is more to life than loathing and educate yourself; expand your world view.  I fucking dare you.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Confessions Of A Rambling Mind

So I know I have been blogging a lot lately, jamming up your news feeds with incoherent ramblings...OHMYGOD I am fighting with a stack of pillows trying to write this (it's like 4AM and I'm writing initially in a journal of sorts), and so I am in bed with a head lamp (because I'm cool like that *note to self buy batteries*), trying not to wake Forrest - ugh.

Anyway, so my mind is in a state of agitation, coming up with all kinds of new blog ideas, and then this was the one I just couldn't go to sleep had to write this before going to sleep.  So as may be inferred from a previous blog, I get awkwardly nostalgic this time of year.  But there are two families in particular that I can never seem to stop thinking about.  One of the families I constantly think about --it's kind of bizarre and doesn't make sense.  In fact, it is SO WERID because I basically had nothing to do with the girl in high school.  Like at all.  In fact, her and her cronies terrified the shit out of me and I avoided her (mayhaps unbeknownst to her) as much as possible.  Why? I don't know.  She scared me, but now? I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HER! I should clarify; it's not in a weird or creepy I-want-to-kill-you-and-take-over-your-family way, but in a friendly and fond manner.  And if she happens to be reading this I feel like you will know that I am talking about you.  I know this sounds weird but I feel like we have some telepathic connection.  I often have dreams where I'm having some sort of life crisis or another and she is always the one to give me advice that helps me through.  I know that it's just a dream, but it's gotta mean something right?

Now, I don't know if you guys know this about me, or really care to, but I like to analyze things in, out, backwards, forwards, caddywhompus and microscopically.  Of course I have no real training in psychoanalysis so everything is conjecture, but I think I figured it out more or less down to a T.

So in February of 2005 there was a group of my classmates sitting in the school library for some class function or other, possibly having to do with college applications.  Anyway, I was sitting at a table with her and her friends when she - for me out of the blue - asked how my mom was doing.  (It was like a year+ prior that she was diagnosed with stage 4 of 5 [such an overachiever] of 2nd hand smoke induced cancer.  And I replied with "Oh, I don't know.  She probably has like 2 weeks left or something." (Unfortunately I couldn't have been more accurate.)  But I said this with a nonchalant, blasĂ© attitude, and what I thought was great fluidity.  She, however, instantly teared up and just gave me this look, a loot that I can't really describe but I will always remember.  And because I've been analyzing my thoughts as to why my reminiscing lead back to her it's because there is some sort of cosmic, thread-of-life-like crossing here that will always keep her in my thoughts and well wishes.  Although, now that I read this I realize that I may sound like a crazy person and I'm actually debating on whether or not to post this.  But ya know what?  I'm going to because on the off chance that she reads this and understands that it's her I am talking about, maybe she will confirm my gut feelings.  Or maybe she will confirm I'm crazy. Again, it's not like I think about her all the time, just like, you know, you would remember a cherished friend.

Anyway, I guess that is all I have to say today.  Thank you everyone for reading my blog and the support you have shown throughout the years!

- Jackie

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Top 10 Distractions that keep you from achieving dreams...

So I am going to attempt to be funny.  I'm talking knee slapping, HIGH-larity people.

These are the *top 10 things that I have found to be very distracting from doing things I should be doing, and yes I am kind of ripping off the picture (at the bottom).  Most of us do these things because it is almost an instant gratification for hard work, and whatever is looming above us like that faithful dark cloud usually requires seemingly more work and effort than our fall back chores.  And then after we get all the distractions done, it's like a slap in the face because you think to yourself, "if I would have just done the other thing, than that would be done by now."  But alas!  There you are distraction free, with that stupid GRE cloud above you...At least your house is clean and there's fresh baked bread!

*footnote* Oh and by the way, these are in no particular "top 10 order."  I wrote these in the order that they came to mind, so it's probably like a reverse top 10 or something.  It came to my attention after writing this that I had no idea how to write a top 10.  Lame...

10. CLEANING.  Nobody's house or apartment is cleaner than when they have something looming over their head.  I speak from experience.  In about 2 hours my house will be spotless, and I will feel accomplished.  And this will be like the third time this week I will have "deep cleaned" the apartment.  However, it is often destroyed by...

9. COOKING/BAKING.  So, I LOVE fall, and I love fall foods.  There's all types of pumpkins, squashes, and other harvest-time-of-the-year-foods, that you can not only make delicious meals with, but you can BAKE AWESOMENESS with.  Like pumpkin spice cupcakes.  If anybody has a recipe for this PLEASE let me know!  The problem with cooking is that you essentially destroy all the time and effort you put into #10, and if you're not careful you will get into this mad, vicious cycle of cleaning and cooking, possibly ending your life from all the labor.  Well, you will at least become exhausted and then you will start...

8. REMINISCING.  This time of year makes me reminisce so much!  I think about all the music I used to listen to and then start listening to it again.  Most recently I have gone through Alicia Keys' first album, and Backstreet Boys first album.  I am currently debating on whether to proceed with Lou Bega or Will Smith.  I think this time of year is such a good time to reminisce because it's "time for school" or whatever, so you think about when you were in school.  Then you think of all the 19 other people you graduated with (I went to a very tiny high school) back in '06 (eep!), and you wonder how they are doing, how their families are, what their life is like, etc.  And if you went to college you start looking through old photos and laughing at inside jokes like 'ought,' and 'sparrow hawk.'  Then you start...

7.  START STALKING PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK. Mainly because you haven't seen these people in a while and your curiosity gets the best of you.  You want to answer all of those questions in the aforementioned #8, so you might breach the 'stalking' aspect and post on their wall.  But heaven forbid if you call them!  That would be creepy and weird...

6.  COMPUTER GAMES  Now, it is my firm belief that computer and video games are two separate things.  Computer games are much easier to access than video games.  Video games require a TV, some sort of console, a controller and of course, games.  With a computer you just need a computer and facebook and you are hooked up to a world of games.  If you are versed well enough, you can even download and purchase a game for your computer right there, on your computer.  Never leaving site of it.  You may invite your friends that you haven't talked to in a while via fb to play with you.  Mainly because you need their help stocking your shelves with an apple butter that can only be made if you get one more person to join your dude ranch.  Well, I had video games listed separately, but then I thought of something else so, this will have to suffice for all you gamers.  An honorable mention goes to video games.

5.  HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS.  These are the best and the worst kind of distractions out there.  Mainly because you can categorize anything under a home improvement project.  Oh my, my walls look awfully bland.  How to improve?  Oh I know!  I will just go down to the hobby store and buy some canvass, paints and brushes and paint something magnificent!  Also if you are like me, you have the compulsive need this time of year to crochet.  I don't know why, maybe it's because my insides can sense the coming winter, but I always officially know when fall has arrived because I get the urge to make a blanket.  I'm like a groundhog for fall.  Only with yarn and crochet hooks.  And not a groundhog.  Of course, hobbies like painting create messes, which lead you back to #10, and of course right after you clean the kitchen you get the urge to cook again.  Hello #9 and unyielding vicious cycle!

4.  BOOKS AND MAGAZINES.  I know most of you out there like to read, because well, you've got this far, right?  And even if you are just skimming the bold print, YOU SUCK, and should read something more thoroughly.  There's going to be a quiz after this, and if you fail you have to memorize all my previous blogs.  And send me a FREE 50 DOLLAR BILL NOW.  Ha, got your attention.  As I was saying, books and magazines are great and should be read more often.  Wait, is that what I was saying?  I don't know, but it's true.

3.  BLOGGING. Yup.

2.  SHOPPING/DRIVING PLACES.  This may be my number one enemy when fighting a battle of distractions.  I think of new hobbies to start, projects I've been meaning to do for months.  Or most recently I've been considering going to the home brew store to buy more gallons so we can brew more.  Especially at the rate they've recently been consumed!  I mean, we are back to waiting for a month before we can drink more, which means I have to buy booze again, laaaame!  Oh, and there's no better time to grocery shop than when you are running out of distractions to keep you from doing whatever you need to do.  Grocery shopping is probably the worst chore, but can lead to a lot of fun!  I's kind of cyclical because we end up at #9 and #10 again, but so totally worth it, right?  Especially when you cook that pumpkin spice cupcake recipe that you are just dying to give to me.  Like, now people.  The comment box is down below.  It's not hard.  Just find an online recipe and paste the URL/web address down there.

1.  TALKING TO RANDOM STRANGERS JUST TO TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WORKING SO HARD AT DOING.  So, I don't know if you guys have actually ever done this before, but I have.  I 'have been studying' for the GRE for like months on end now, but in reality, I've been distracted from studying for months on end.  I want to go back to school, but the test seems scary, so ta-da!  Top 10 distractions accomplished repeatedly!  Anyway, I always tell people how hard I am working and how much I've been studying for the GRE.  That is when it gets tricky though.  Usually people catch on pretty quickly and they ask my something using words like opined and cacophany (which sounds like a hacking cough when spoken out loud), and ask me when I am going to actually take the test.  Well people, I've decided to take it in October.  Happy?! I've finally set a goal.  So much from getting sympathy from the lended ear of a neighbor.

As you well know these things don't necessarily happen in order.  In fact, to me they seem to happen simultaneously and it is quite evident if you were to come see my apartment right now.  In the kitchen I have dishes that need to be cleaned from my cooking spree I've been on, drawers on the floor that are in the process of getting painted because I decided Easter Bunny purple wasn't really working for me, and the vacuum cleaner is out because I need to vacuum the floor/I haven't put it away from last use.  Also, not to mention, my blog is open on my computer.  Hopefully that was lucid enough for everyone, and you didn't think I was too garrulous, and you didn't become to inundated.  Huh, would you look at that?  Seems like my distractions are helping me study after all ;) 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Square Holes and Temp Agencies, Oh and Indiana Jones

So as most of you know, or you will find out now, I am an archaeologist.  It is what I went to school for, and when I can find work, it is what my preferred job is.  Now, let me educate you guys on what being an archaeologist entails.  Every day I go to work I find pyramids, get chased down by natives, find piles of gold, use my bull whip to lasso myself across a huge snake pits, save the damsel in distress, and dig up dinosaur bones.  Pretty cool, right?  Well, not so much.

You see REAL archaeology involves a lot of knowledge and methodology that you learn how to do from school (not TV programs); you can't do it willy nilly despite how smart you think you are, or what you've taught yourself.  And NO you can't just go to a temp agency so you can dig holes in the ground too.  Oh and also, yes I am a petite, blonde woman, but I do know what I'm doing - I don't have to be a crotchety old guy to be able to identify a tertiary chalcedony flake that is .2mm in size, or know that I am not looking for gold and dinosaur bones (seriously people, archaeology, geology and paleontology while overlapping, requires different set of knowledge and skills!).

So hey, while being an archaeologist sounds all cool and adventurous it does get tedious (wwhhhhaaaaaa?).  That's right, I'm admitting it, but I know everyone thinks about it at some point. I mean, I know all archaeologists know they have the most badass job ever, but clay and sterile soil really suck.  For all you laymen out there this is kind of what I mean.  The first thing you have to do before you ever excavate a site is test it to find the site boundaries, or to see how culturally relevant a place was.  So what do you do for that?  You live and breathe the book "Holes."  You test around digging holes that have a specific width and a specific depth, and are also a specific distance from each other, trying to find signs of life.  Now with this in mind you have to remember that you are looking for historic and prehistoric stuff.  What does this mean?  Historic is from when people from Europe arrived here (so after Columbus) to about 50 years you know how trashy people are?  It's hard to identify a lot of the stuff especially considering we use such similar things today.  Then there is prehistoric stuff.  With this you have to be able to identify all the different types of rock material, whether something has been used as a hammer, whether there was a post hole, and the list goes on and on.

Now, there are often times, when you get on a project and you are finding nothing because the soil has been turned around so much, there just isn't any evidence of things.  This is when things get boring because you are digging and screening and finding nothing *yawn.*  But it is a necessary task in order to learn about the cultural relevance of an area.  Now keep in mind while you are performing all of this INCREDIBLY HARD LABOR (at least compared with your normal jobs) you are also recording every little thing that you notice down because it is part of the scientific method.  That's right folks, archaeology is one giant experiment that you have to be able to replicate if necessary.  It's really a daunting thing because if you fuck up on a job like this, that history/prehistory is lost FOREVER.  How many people can say that there job literally affects our understanding of the past?

I can hear some of you now asking, "Hard labor?  Don't you just dig around with paintbrushes or something?"  Again, wrong field, and wrong time.  Yes that is a necessary thing if you are working on some sort of excavation.  Usually involves bones, pottery, jewelry, ya know the really neat 'as seen on TV' stuff.  So what I mean by hard labor is you have to carry all of your equipment out to the test site.  This includes several shovels, screens (which can way up to 40 lbs when clogged with sticky, wet clay), your personal gear (mine usually ways around 20lbs, depending on the task), a digging/breaker bar which ways around 17lbs.  Of course the carrying of the equipment is divided by the people on the crew, but you usually need about one of those items per person (exception is digging bar, but you need one for every two people).  Now, you have to not only use these tools for 8-10 hours a day, but you have to lug them with you from test hole to test hole, which can be anywhere from 4 to 12+ a day.  Hard labor.  No joke.

Now I am not saying this is all of archaeology, but it is a big part of archaeology in the US.  It's called CRM and it usually has to happen whenever something is being built or expanded.  Now my one last tidbit of advice to all of you non archaeologists out there.  If you find something like an arrowhead while you are hiking that is awesome, but you shouldn't take it.  What you can do is pick it up, look at it, photograph it (if you want), but you really shouldn't take it SIMPLY for the fact that it can really fuck up future projects.  What you need to do is call someone with BLM or SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) and tell them what you found, so it can be noted for the future.  If you have a IPhone or something, you can whip that out and get the GPS coordinates to make it more accurate.  Bury it a little so no one else finds it.   Don't be a jerk by taking it and ruining history.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Living The Book "Holes" ; My Life As A Bumbled Bee

So, holy cow!  What the hell has happened to these last two months?  Here is a little bit about what I've done since July: I've gotten several new jobs (suprise!) but luckily two of them are archaeology related (sadly they probably won't last past next week and I'll have to search for new ones); I've been working basically nonstop and am incredibly frustrated with my human limitations.  I have nerve issues with my arms and hands (think it's related to my bone disorder) and it gets worse with archaeology because of how rapid my muscles get built.  So I am soon going to have to get that fixed, not to mention I still have to fix my teeth because I have periodontitis which I probably got from my last major oral surgery because that is the only way in the world I can imagine something like that my money that I am earning from my jobs is quickly escaping my pockets.  It's like I can never save anything and it's frustrating.  I don't spend money willy nilly.  I never buy anything (clothes wise) over 10 dollars, and besides groceries, I don't really buy anything.  Every once in a while I go crazy and do something like go skydiving.  Which was awesome.  Everyone and their mom should go skydiving.  It's not scary at all, and apparently a major factor into people dying while skydiving is idiocy on the new skydivers part.

Well, that should be enough bitching.  I miss Forrie like crazy.  He is the biggest and best support I've ever had, and if any of you know my family, you know they support my life choices well.  That is the one thing I absolutely hate about doing 10 day sessions or archaeology out of state.  I miss Forrie so much!  And our schedules are so opposite and f*ed up, I hardly get to see him when I'm home, and he has been so busy lately, he doesn't really want to do much, and even when we are just relaxing he is all kinds of antsy and occupied with his writing for Muze Magazine - the slightest ding from his inbox and he is off of the couch and by the desk.  It sucks, but I guess that's life.  It's not like either one of us like him being on edge like that, but, you have to do what you have to do to get where you want to be, and that calls for sacrifices in life.

Lately, I have been so fed up with "making sacrifices" for whatever reason, that I have been doing what I want to do when I want to do it.  Of course I'm not retarded and if I can't afford to do something I'm not going to (hinting at my only frustrations with Americans and their spending habits - if you don't have the money people don't fucking spend it, pay off your goddamn bills!).  UNFORTUNATELY that kind of lifestyle leaves ones bank, skinny, if you will, but I'm debt free so I shouldn't complain, just grumble.

My other dumbness lately has to do with exhaustion.  For example, I am sure this blog post sucks - when I am on top of my game I know I can write well and make all sorts of snazzy and entertaining.  Now I just feel all floaty in my head, well maybe not floaty.  Floaty is more like allergies or sickness...TV STATIC!  Yes I feel TV static in my head.  It makes it hard to function after work, like studying, or reading something complex, or writing, or taking a shower.  That's right, I said taking a shower.  So yesterday I was mad at the hotel for like 2 hours because I didn't have any hot water in my shower.  I figured it was due to the high occupancy of the hotel (this has happened to me before).   People get off of work and use the hot water supply.  But after two hours I was all like "come on, people what the hell?"  And then I was like fine I will just wash my face.  So I did.  In the sink.  With hot water.   *Super blush* Turns out I was turning the faucet the wrong way every time I tried to "let the water warm up."  Yup.  Took me two hours to figure that out and I'm trying to go to grad school. LOL!!

Hope you had a little laugh!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Check out my new blogs!

Dear ladies and gents.  Just for everyone's information, and in case you neglect to read my other postings, but like reading this one, I am starting two new blogs.  One is called Reviewer's Choice! which will tell you about things I like or don't and give you my opinion on those specifically.

The other is called "Workout Tips: The Skinnie" (will hyperlink that later), and it is going to be my nutritional advice that I learn for the day.  I am going to be trying to lose weight like mad in the next two months (because I am sick of the weight I've gained this past year) and I thought I would give out my opinions and things that I am finding that work and do not work.

Of course I will continue to ramble on this blog at all times I remember to, and hope you guys check out my new stuff!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

E.Coli Breakout in Portland's Water - GROSS!

So, apparently today during the normal water test, E.Coli tested positive in Portland's Washington Park reservoir.  Gross.

If you don't know much about E.Coli, here is a wiki link.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Exercising Fun it possible, or is that an oxymoronic statement?

So, as I try to motivate myself, I thought a good way to go about it would be to write some more useful tips on exercising!

Did you know that 30 minutes before or after you work out (I tend to go with after as I don't want to make myself sick) is when your body absorbs the most out of your food.  You can do what I (sometimes) do and have a glass of superfood after working out to make sure your body absorbs all it needs.

Busy mom or dad?  Work a lot? Only 20 minutes in your day to work out?  Try working TWO muscle groups together...WHAT?  It's easy, and very tiring, but very beneficial as you will get your heart rate where it needs to be in order to burn of calories, PLUS you build muscle which will more efficiently burn away those pesky pounds!

So I, like many a militant trainer out there, recommend doing at the very minimum, a 20 minute circuit routine.  Why do I recommend it?  Because I've done it and it works relatively quickly.  Why should you trust me?  You shouldn't!  I only know what I say works because I do it - I've not done any training to train others.  Just take my advice and try it out if you want.

First start with a 2 minute warm up.  Loosen your muscles so you don't strain or pull anything.  This includes arm, knee and hip circles and a few jumping jacks to elevate your heart rate.

Now what you are going to do is THREE minutes of strength training.  Usually you do 1:30 of two different exercises so you don't get too tired.  Now for this, you MUST work a large muscle group and a smaller muscle group.  What does this mean?  Work your arms and legs - squats and shoulder presses; side lunges and lateral raises; lunges and biceps curl.  Whatever you do, be careful.

Next, TWO minutes of cardio.  Don't want to use a machine for two minutes?  That's fine.  Here are some ideas for cardio: butt kicks (run in place and kick your butt), jump rope or double jump rope, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, etc.  Loads of stuff to do without a machine.  Figure out what you want to do and again, pick two different exercises and perform them for one minute each.

For the last cycle,  ONE minute of abs.  That's right, core lesson - can't have a well balanced healthy body without throwing some core workouts in there.  Don't forget not just your upper abs (crunches).  You absolutely have to do your oblique and lower abs to get rid of everything.  Reverse crunches especially get rid of that weird lower pooch.

Rinse. Repeat.  Well you don't have to rinse yet, but repeat the THREE, TWO, ONE system for 20 minutes (about three cycles), and you will feel great.  In a quick amount of time you will feel stronger, which makes you feel better, which will keep you on Motivation Express...maybe!

If you want to challenge yourself, or loose weight at a more rapid pace, you can do this cycle for longer than 20 minutes.  With this type of exercise you will burn about 200 calories, which doesn't seem like a lot.  You can work that off on a treadmill or an elliptical just as fast.  HOWEVER, the cool thing about this workout that you can NOT get from the machines is muscle buildup.  Muscle buildup is one of the key things for your metabolism to speed and keep at a higher fat burning rate for a longer period of time than just running.

Of course a combination of a circuit workout and other things (like running) is what would probably be the ideal workout, but if you have to choose, the THREE, TWO, ONE 20 minute system is more beneficial long term.  Plus it's not as hard on your knees as running on a treadmill.

That is my other helpful tidbit of workout knowledge; it is better to run outdoors than in on a treadmill because of the damage a treadmill can cause to your knee joints.  But it is better to run indoors than not do anything at all; after all a healthy body means a healthy mind, which results with your happiness in life.

Don't forget to cool down and stretch!  I read somewhere that stretching helps sluff off body fat faster than not stretching.  Whether that's true or not, it's important to stretch your muscles so you don't tear or damage yourself!  Happy workout!

Songs and stuff

Isn't it so interesting the way that some people have with words?  Their speech, their writing, their singing, whatever it is, people have come up with some pretty eloquent and articulated phrases that resonate within your self, and somehow really move you as a person.  Then pen really is mightier than a sword within that sphere.

I've been thinking a lot about how songs in particular just do something--magic, ya know?  I love how it has been a tradition of various cultures (Russian, Italian, German, Chinese, Mayan, Mexican, Gaelic, Celtic to name a few!) to pass stories through songs.  Most of the main stream pop culture songs have drifted away from that tradition, but if you enjoy music and are somewhat of a connoisseur (and you enjoy more of a story rather than a dry hump song), it can be relatively easy to find good, heart singing music.

One of my favorite artists that does this is Anais Mitchell (  She has a CD that has been out for a while now, entitled "Hades Town."  It is amazing!  Not only are the vocals, music, etc., just spectacular, but she also tells this really cool story of Orpheus and Eurydice.  It's got a real solid southern bluesy sound to the album, and it is totally rocking!  I've not had anybody I make listen to the CD dislike it.  One of my favorite songs on the album is "Gone, I'm Gone," and here is why: The way Anais sings it is so unique, but the lyrics (which I believe she wrote herself) are unnervingly beautiful to listen to, and it speaks to a unique human characteristic.

                                         Orpheus my heart is yours, always was and will be.
                                         It's my gut I can't ignore; Orpheus I'm hungry.
                                         Oh my heart it aches to stay but the flesh will have it's way.
                                         Oh the way is dark and long, but I'm already gone; I'm gone.

                                        Go ahead and lay the blame; talk of virtue, talk of sin.
                                        Wouldn't you have done the same in her shoes, in her skin?
                                        You can have your principles when you have your belly full,
                                        but hunger has a way with you.  There's no telling what your gonna do
                                        when the chips are down, now that the chips are down...."

It's mainly the first verse that I put up here with the "unique human characteristic" (desire) that I referred to.  Within it she talks of how there is a longing and desire within each of us to do something that maybe we shouldn't.  Even though we know it's wrong while we are doing it, we may continue to do so.  And it's not just focused on this one character Eurydice, but her second verse asks of Orpheus, what he would have done in her place?  Would he not have done something similar if there was something equally as tantalizing to him?  Obviously the original story reflects The Bible's Adam and Eve story (it's everywhere!)  But I like how Anais makes it into a question of "what would you have done in that situation?  Probably the same damn thing!"  So, shut the front door people and think about it!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Are you sexy and do you know it? Do you work out? (Part One)

I am sure every single one of you who is about to read this has tried to lose weight at some point and time in your life (or perhaps if you are a skinny Minnie, tried to gain muscle).  Whether or not you buy into those gimmicky lose weight fast schemes is your prerogative; personally the only thing I think works is the tried and true method of exercise…and patience.  Like seriously it is the most annoyingly frustrating thing because first, your body has to adapt to the new lifestyle that you are throwing at it.  Second, you have to continue, which is probably the hardest part for at least 6 weeks in order to see major change.  Finally, you have to keep it up, performing various forms of exercise so your body doesn’t adapt to one type of work out (this causes your metabolism to slow down, boo!). 
I don’t know what else to blog about so here are some helpful starter tips if you want to run.  I might do a mini series on working out so maybe there will be more insights, not just about running.  Now remember, this is just from personal experience.  I’ve never been trained by a professional (nor do I care to be), and this is just what I have found works best for me through experience and a little bit o’ research.

1.                      Before you start running, you should time yourself how long it takes you to walk a mile.  You can do this on a treadmill, or outside by calculating a route with google maps (
2.                      Start running at intervals.  If you push yourself to hard to fast, you will get super discouraged.  I walked for five minutes, and then jogged lightly for five minutes until I finished my mile.  However, I only started this after I felt comfortable enough to try.
3.                      Increase your time for jogging until you can do a mile.  Then try increasing your speed.
4.                      By doing this you will be able to jog a mile in no time. 
a.     If you want to increase your speed, the best way to do it is every two days (if you are on the treadmill) click up the speed by 0.1 mph. 
b.    If you want to increase your distance, then the best way is that every three days you increase it by 0.2 miles.  Or you can shoot for lower.  It doesn’t matter, what is important is what YOU are comfortable with, not your neighbor!

Something that I found super important for running is good posture – especially when running on a treadmill we tend to get bad form, which is not only bad for the muscles we build, but it’s bad for our respiratory system!

1.     When you are running on the treadmill, keep your eyes straight ahead and don’t look down.  If you do, it curves your spine and creates an almost hunchback look! (Plus you might end up tripping and fly off the treadmill.)
2.    Keep your arms at a 90-degree angle, moving your shoulders back and forth.  Your hands should be in a slight grip with your thumbs on top.
3.    Don’t push it too fast!  You will just cause more harm to your body – it creates a huge amount of stress, and stress like that is WRONG for anyone.
4.    The last tidbit I have is to remember to work on your abs while running.  It’s important to have lumbar support if you are going to be serious about running.   Do the following set and you will be golden: 30 seconds of crunches, 30 seconds of side crunches, 30 seconds of reverse crunches, 30 seconds of scissor kicks, 30 seconds of bicycles (works all major muscle groups) and 30 seconds on a modified plank.  (That is where you are on your elbows instead of in a pushup position; I think it focuses it more centrally.)

Anyway, like I said, I’m no professional, but I do hate running and appreciate any tip I generally come across.  Have fun!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Who Are You?!

So I just took this really interesting (if you are into this sort of thing) test evaluation for my new job I got.  They wanted me to take it so they can see what personality type I am.  *Insert eye roll here.*  They claim it will be better for them to know how to work with me.  But I got to admit, I am a sucker for these self evaluation quizzes.  I love saying "ah yes, that IS who I am; wow, that is so like me I didn't even know it!"  Hopefully I will successfully paste the link so y'all can take it too, and if you are interested in learning more about me, I am an "Innovator-Merchant," which means I deal with my life through love and wisdom...who knew?

Be wary my "Who I am" is lengthy, interesting though...also the grammar in it is terrible, but no one is perfect.


Your scores indicate you have INNOVATOR/MERCHANT tendencies.  When you enter a room there is more wisdom and love energy suddenly in that room. You are the presence of lovingwisdom. This is your assignment, to be the effective presence of loving wisdom. You look at the circumstances and situations around you through the eyes of compassion and truth. You operate from reason and intuition, seeing the way things are. Asking questions and deriving the right responses, best strategies and most workable solutions. This is balanced by your intuitive and reasoning capacity to see who people really are. You try to understanding their needs and wants. You work to nurture and support them and yourself. Your highest and best contribution can only be made in situations in which there is a significant and constant need for lovingwisdom.

Who you are at the deepest innate level of your human nature is the most important element in your life. Who you are at this deep level, is, after all, the only thing you really contribute to this world. It is through right assignment and effective choices that you make your highest and best contribution. This is the universal mission of all people.

The more you learn about who you really are, and how to optimize your presence in this world, the greater will be your success, happiness and life effectiveness.

Your dominant Innovator value energy is balanced by your Merchant secondary value energy. Your actions are routinely, almost equally, guided by these two core energies. In times of distress you will usually rely on the conflict strategies of your dominant core energy. In less critical conflicts you may use either conflict strategy given the situation.

Your unique dominant INNOVATOR core energy causes you to rely upon the following strategies for success and fulfillment.

Your cornerstone core value is wisdom. Understanding and compassion are central to your life strategy.
Strategic thinking is your forte. People see your ingenuity and resourcefulness. You pride yourself in seeing and understanding people and situations. Development of effective responses to situations is one of your primary contributions. You consistently observe and measure the worth of people and things. If different things can be brought together from different resources, you will do it. You strive to cause people and things to function well together.

You like to maintain a good mix of people, activities and things in your life. You like to communicate with visuals and descriptions. To invent new systems, processes and things is pure pleasure. You never quit. You have wit and creativity in your thinking. It is important for you to watch, look and listen before you act. Complicated situations and problems are not a threat to you.

Finding the best solution is one of your primary contributions. Your tastes are varied and diverse. You like to consider all the options. Rapid and clever exchange of ideas is a personal joy and a method of work for you. You are able to see the ways things are, and you know what to do about it. You are seen as a valuable resource for leading people toward the right ideas and the right direction. Acting foolishly or illogically is not a common experience for you.

Your use everything that is available to meet requirements. You value and rely upon your mental abilities. Understanding others and working with them is a key asset of yours.

Your unique secondary MERCHANT core energy supports your dominant INNOVATOR core energy.

Your second cornerstone core value is love. Building and sustaining relationships is central to your life's strategy. You are constantly working to know and understand the truth about yourself and others.

Absolute proof, knowledge and understanding are not required in order for you to act. Nothing feels right when the people you value are distant or are in conflict. You want to receive good rewards and appreciation for time and energy spent. No potential plan, idea or possibility gets by you. A core strategy for you is to work effectively with others. You like to work and others enjoy working with you. Share your knowledge and information with others; you enjoy it and others appreciate it.

You are good at getting others to work for and with you. You like a new charge in your life and you like to be the charge in the lives of others. You like to trust people and to share yourself with them freely. You enjoy lots of different people and activities. Charm and enthusiasm are part of your arsenal for success. Too much formality is boring and restrictive. Motivating others with your visions and ideas is very satisfying.

Talking with others is your way to learn and to teach. Being of high value to others and seeing high value in others is a prime concern. You seldom feel defeated; you see good potential in most situations. You have the ability to help people feel hopeful and courageous. Your commitment to others and to your own life is an encouragement to others. It is important for you to see people and things as they really are.

INNOVATORS-Your Dominant Core Energy

Innovators are the solution creators in this world. They can always think of another approach. "There's got to be a better way," is more than their motto; it is pre-programmed ROM chips in their brain's reticular receiver. Innovators enjoy the challenge of a problem, especially on a large scale. They are problem solvers. They enjoy this so much that they hate to settle on any one solution --"There's got to be an even better way." The statement, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" has no place in their awareness.

The power of innovators comes from their unwillingness to accept that there is anything they can't figure out.

They are willing to put their ego at risk over and over again, staking their reputation that they will be able to come up with a plan, a solution, or an idea that will make things better.

Then, to top things off, innovators love to develop systems which insure the continuation of their plans. These systems are the "monuments" of innovatorcreativity just as much as a pyramid is the monument of a builder.
When everyone around them is in a panic, the builder shouting orders, the merchant whining or up selling, and the banker preaching justice or patience, theinnovator tends to isolate, grab a computer or white board and set to work.

They are highly creative in their approach to problem solving. They inevitably are able to come at things from a new angle by adding elements, systems, or technologies that no one else has thought to add to the mix in order to achieve a true innovation.

While the solutions and systems that innovators create can be well founded and practical in concept, innovators themselves are not highly practical in their approach. They do not make good implementers because they want to perfect everything before acting. Taking action to them means coming up with another innovation, again delaying the implementation of their systems or new products.

Innovators love to have people around. This is not for team building. This is an audience for their creativity and a way for them to bounce new ideas around. They love to explore their latest ideas with people. They are so fascinated with each personally conceived "potential" solution that they want everyone to appreciate each and every subtlety. Just when they have their audience convinced that this new solution is brilliant, they love to add, "Wait, what if we...?"

Innovators may create problems just for the pleasure of working them out. Builders lean on innovators but often leave them standing in the hallway, halfway through an explanation about a possible solution. Banker's constantly feed challenges to an innovator's proposed strategies, keeping the innovatorcharged with new problems to face. Merchants listen attentively to innovators and lean on them constantly. This makes the innovator feel "heard." Since the merchant would never consider leaving an innovator standing in the hallway, innovators and merchants often become great friends. Their brainstorming parties can be endless. If left unchecked, they can actually become an endless drain of company resources.

Innovators are invaluable. They create new products and put together systems to solve production and administrative problems. They are never defeated and are able to come up with new strategies and approaches when everyone else has given up. They enjoy this so much that they hate making decisions, and they occasionally add confusion to the system by always inventing a better way. Nothing is ever good enough, especially if it was conceived by someone else, or if the solution has been in place for more than a few months.

Entrepreneur innovators can be highly successful. They are the people that create the mousetrap that brings the world to their door. The problem is, they really believe the world will come to their door. And since they love the process of problem solving more than the process of actually building and selling something, as soon as one product or service idea is implemented, they are off to create another better solution.

Innovator Challenges

The most deadly sin of innovators is their desperate need to continue perfecting a product or system long after it would fully serve its purpose. They get hooked on a specific solution or an interesting problem long after there has been a resolution to the problem.

Active innovators need a builder in them or around them to insist that they settle on one solution and complete it. They need merchants who will actually make someone else understand the value of the "solution" being sold. And they need bankers who will support them by completing the details, help them control costs and make profits.

Innovators can be very stubborn people. They may refuse to be moved until they feel their solutions are perfected. And since they also value assessment very highly, they not only like to create a new solution, but they want to be the one who assesses its appropriateness, its correctness, its cleverness and its perfection. In fact, they are certain that no one else could ever understand all the subtlety and complexity of their solution so they hate to let others really get into it and explore, for fear they may have overlooked some small detail.

Decisions for an innovator become a marathon of adding one more consideration into the equation, testing its full ramifications and announcing, "I can see how that will fit." Then, when everyone else considers the decision to have been made, the innovator may announce another level of considerations that must be explored prior to finalizing the decision. Innovators can be infuriating to merchants and builders who want to move on.

Innovators are very perceptive and open to change if they see and understand the tensions they cause. They are willing to act differently if they can only see how the different action is going to produce better results. For this reason, innovators and builders make wonderful teammates. They tend to keep good balance in the drive for action versus the drive for perfection.

The adaptiveness of innovators is also highly prized by all other players. Innovators make little distinction between what problems they are asked to solve. The process of deriving a solution is sufficient to make them happy. Innovators are a key element in every business situation where change is occurring. Their resourcefulness brings new methods, tools, systems, and mechanisms to bear. Innovators are always opening new opportunities for success.

An opposite tendency is also true for many innovators. They tend to become highly skilled at solving certain types of problems. Innovator engineers, for instance, may be geniuses when designing a new electronic circuit, but more like absentminded professors when it comes to developing business solutions for their departments.

When innovators are out of control, they get stubborn. They look for another way to go around you or to make you reconsider. They reconsider and may go on the defensive and resist making a decision. They may add another wrinkle to the equation to confuse you. They deny facts, challenge the validity or relevance of existing data, and refuse to take action, or sometimes just quit which may infuriate other core energy groups.

When all else fails, innovators resort to interrogation. They like to confuse the issue with side questions and tangents. They know how to ask questions, which are more accusation than question. They know how to get under the skin of other people, asking questions that shame and embarrass, that show the ignorance of others, or simply make others feel ignorant or confused and inadequate. Interrogation is just as powerful a strategy as the intimidation ofbuilders, the "poor me" victim caretaking role of merchants, or the aloof, resistant, judgmental positioning of bankers.


Innovator/merchants are problem solvers first, needing constant puzzles to solve but working well with others.

They see the big picture and lead from creativity. The power of an innovator/merchant is derived from an inexhaustible well of creativity. This creates a deep sense of optimism. If the merchant'sdream or vision is not being realized, the innovator can kick in and come up with appropriate solutions. When the innovator's solutions do not align perfectly with the merchant's vision, a new vision is deftly formed which can encompass the solutions and systems that the innovator has conceived and still accomplish all of the basic values foreseen and desired by the innovator/merchant.

This constant creativity makes the innovator/merchant an invaluable resource in companies where technologies are changing rapidly or competition puts new demands on the marketing and sales systems of the company. Innovator/merchants are often chosen as sales representatives. They can sell anything because they build relationships, understand their products, and know how to make them fit into a broad range of customer needs.

Innovator/merchants are not put off by any problem of any magnitude. In fact, their sense of personal esteem is often based in the size, oppressiveness and worthiness of the problems they have before them. They look for opportunities to demonstrate their prowess at problem solving or at turning around difficult relationships that are at risk.

Innovator/merchants like to be needed, either for their solutions and technologies or for their humanity, creativity and love. This need drives them to achieve relationships that are vision-based and growth-oriented, and to develop products or systems that enhance the richness of the relationships that are formed.

Innovator/merchants are go-anywhere, do-anything kinds of people. They are even able to function for extended periods of time in remote if not somewhat isolated situations as long as the sense of connection and personal worth is maintained for the merchant side of the core energy. For the innovator, the absorption into the problem-solving aspects of any assignment will carry him a long way as long as there remains an opportunity to observe others evaluating and appraising his work once it is finished.

Innovator/merchants, despite their ability to sustain themselves independently, thrive in a team environment. They are excellent team builders and great teachers. They are masters of context and relevance. They not only are good at planning a curriculum and basing it in logic and reasonableness, but they consider the bigger picture.
They pay attention to their environment, entertainment, energy levels, and motivation. They enjoy creating exciting and provocative learning situations.

An innovator/merchant can be an incredible sales person or a powerful entrepreneur if he is balanced with just enough builder characteristics to actually complete the task at hand.

However, innovator/merchants, unrestrained, can be unproductive for themselves and society. They can get lost
in the rapture of exploring big picture considerations. The merchant is constantly thinking of new possibilities for projects and new adventures, and the innovator thrives on such challenges.

Innovators hate to bring the process of problem solving to a close. Solving problems is their highest form of pleasure, arguably valuing this game above sex and movies. So an innovator/merchant keeps new things coming and everything that was stirred up before "in the works." If you are aninnovator/merchant, be certain that you surround yourself with high energy builders who will push you to "get it done" and a few levelheaded bankers who will help ground your ideas by asking you the kind of questions you may be unwilling to ask yourself.

Innovator/merchants are constantly caught up in the seduction of new ideas, such as improving people systems. However, this concept and the strategy to create it are more important than the implementation itself to the innovator side.

Innovator/merchants, as company leaders, never quit selling and never quit solving the future. They sell themselves and others even when everyone has already agreed. There is little attention to detail, and since the next new idea takes 110% of all energy, things may be constantly left up in the air.Merchant/innovators tend to be able to keep so much energy swirling around them that they attract others. Builders and bankers also enjoy a symbiotic relationship.

But innovator/merchants may create as much disappointment as they do opportunity. No one can win from working with them for long, unless there are significant constraints in place, and a strong team of builders and bankers around them to enforce them. If you are an innovator/merchant, and you are reading this, you must have just a little builder or banker in you. Make sure you nurture that part of yourself--NOW!!!