Monday, December 17, 2012

Mayan Apocalypse: Philosophy of the Mayan Religion

Dear readers,

I would like to consider myself a semi-expert on ancient Mayan culture.  It is what I went to school for and what I like to read about constantly in books, online articles, magazines, etc.

Like many of my friends and colleagues, maybe even some of you constant internet visitors, I am quite sick of reading about the "Mayan Apocalypse" and how we are all going to die in some sort of Christian like end of days time.  The Mayan religion says nothing of the sort; what is currently believed by most people (end of days) is purely a misinterpretation of a calendar.  For example, we don't go crazy on January 31st every year just because our calendar ends, right?  The Mayan calendar just happens to be 144,000 days long (aka Long Count) during this particular cycle (Bak'tun).

Here is an excerpt from the Archaeology November/December 2012 issue.  I think this will help clarify and explain the basics concerning this time in the Maya religion.

“2012 marks the completion of a cycle of 13 Bak’tuns, corresponding to 5,125 years and its meaning is fundamental in Maya mythology.  Rather than marking the end of a period, 2012 represents the BEGINNING of a new era given that calendric cycle changes are an opportunity for positive renewal, according to Maya philosophy…

13 Bak’ tun

On December 21, 2012 we’ll celebrate the end of the Oxlajuj B’a’tun or 13 Bak’tun and the start of a new era that should be seen as an opportunity for positive renewal to generate changes in our society and human nature in general.  This is the Maya philosophy and is based on the knowledge and interpretation of the legacy left by the ancient Maya in their calendars. 

Measuring time has always been central in Maya Cosmology.  The Long Count was one of the calendars bused by the ancient Maya, especially to record important historical events.  This time measuring system consists of counting the days from an initial date or <<year zero>>, measured according to five periods (K>in, Winal, Tun, K>atun and Bak’tun) based on a vigesimal system.  The greatest period, the Bak’tun, consists of 144,000 days.

The initial date of the Long Count was recorded by the Maya in several monuments…The date was not recorded as, but as, and corresponds to day 4 Ajaw on the Tzolkin Calendar and 8 Kumk>u on the Solar Calendar or Ja’ab.  According to the inscription at Quirigua, the initial event of the Long Count can be interpreted as a creation, expressed metaphorically as the positioning of three scared stones by a pair of creator gods.

The fact that the starting date is indicates that this is, at the same time, the date when a previous cycle ended.  From this data, the Long Count is then considered to be the measurement of cycles of 13 Bak’tuns, ie 1,872,000 days (5,125.26 Gregorian years).  The end of the cycle that began on August 11, 3114 BC, will be December 21, 2012, which in Maya connotation is 4 Ajaw 13 Kankin…

Much has been said about the end of this cycle, once it reaches the 13 Bak’tun, often with an apocalyptic connotation.  However, for the ancient Maya this didn’t represent the end of the Long Count or the end of the world.  This can be proven by the nature of interpretations of the Tortuguero monument and by two inscriptions Cobá, which recorded Long Count dates far greater than the cycle of 13 Bak’tuns.

The 13 Bak’tun is not to be confused with the catastrophes of other Mesoamerican cultures’ mythologies, such as the <<Era of the Suns>> of the Aztecs or the failed creations narrated in the Popol Vuh.  Either way, the meaning of these myths is not focused on disasters that wiped out humanity, but in the social and spiritual transformations, that occurred.”  - Credits Counterpart International, Archaeology November/December 2012.

So to summarize - no apocalypse.  It is like an ascension to a higher plane of existence, but consciously not on a subconscious level.  I've read somewhere that the Mayans believe that everyone in the world will awaken to this new consciousness, and honestly it is something that I hope for.  People need enlightenment and need to be more open minded, but also realize that it will take hard work in order to get there...anyway before I go off on a tangent, I just thought I should tell people whats up, and hopefully not too many people will go bat-shit-crazy on the 21st.

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Letter to the Biebs...aka Justin Bieber

Dear Justin Bieber: aka The Biebs/The Biebster,

I have a bone to pick with you and your new song, "Beauty and the Beat," even though it's slightly catchy.  It would be obvious to point out and discuss the shallowness of how all you need is a beauty and a beat (really?), so instead I am going to point out the flaw in your "party like it's 1312" idea.  First of all, why?  Do you want an incurable disease?  Particularly the ever popular neural degenerative diseases?  You probably wouldn't get them though, because there were some wars being fought in places and since you wouldn't be able to sing your way out of the situation...well, you can use your imagination...If you were to assess the party from more of a fashion/mainstream/elitist point of view, it's an interesting choice.  Very "Game of Thrones" fashion-esque.  Can't condemn you on that I suppose; I find it pretty cool, but I don't know about the dances.  Did you know Templars disbanded in 1312?  Such a crazy year to party in!  Maybe I agree with your choice after all.  Neat idea.  Keep them coming.


P.S.  "off" is one syllable, not two.  So don't say's weird.  Thanks.

#JustinBieber, #Bieber