Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Living The Book "Holes" ; My Life As A Bumbled Bee

So, holy cow!  What the hell has happened to these last two months?  Here is a little bit about what I've done since July: I've gotten several new jobs (suprise!) but luckily two of them are archaeology related (sadly they probably won't last past next week and I'll have to search for new ones); I've been working basically nonstop and am incredibly frustrated with my human limitations.  I have nerve issues with my arms and hands (think it's related to my bone disorder) and it gets worse with archaeology because of how rapid my muscles get built.  So I am soon going to have to get that fixed, not to mention I still have to fix my teeth because I have periodontitis which I probably got from my last major oral surgery because that is the only way in the world I can imagine something like that my money that I am earning from my jobs is quickly escaping my pockets.  It's like I can never save anything and it's frustrating.  I don't spend money willy nilly.  I never buy anything (clothes wise) over 10 dollars, and besides groceries, I don't really buy anything.  Every once in a while I go crazy and do something like go skydiving.  Which was awesome.  Everyone and their mom should go skydiving.  It's not scary at all, and apparently a major factor into people dying while skydiving is idiocy on the new skydivers part.

Well, that should be enough bitching.  I miss Forrie like crazy.  He is the biggest and best support I've ever had, and if any of you know my family, you know they support my life choices well.  That is the one thing I absolutely hate about doing 10 day sessions or archaeology out of state.  I miss Forrie so much!  And our schedules are so opposite and f*ed up, I hardly get to see him when I'm home, and he has been so busy lately, he doesn't really want to do much, and even when we are just relaxing he is all kinds of antsy and occupied with his writing for Muze Magazine - the slightest ding from his inbox and he is off of the couch and by the desk.  It sucks, but I guess that's life.  It's not like either one of us like him being on edge like that, but, you have to do what you have to do to get where you want to be, and that calls for sacrifices in life.

Lately, I have been so fed up with "making sacrifices" for whatever reason, that I have been doing what I want to do when I want to do it.  Of course I'm not retarded and if I can't afford to do something I'm not going to (hinting at my only frustrations with Americans and their spending habits - if you don't have the money people don't fucking spend it, pay off your goddamn bills!).  UNFORTUNATELY that kind of lifestyle leaves ones bank, skinny, if you will, but I'm debt free so I shouldn't complain, just grumble.

My other dumbness lately has to do with exhaustion.  For example, I am sure this blog post sucks - when I am on top of my game I know I can write well and make all sorts of snazzy and entertaining.  Now I just feel all floaty in my head, well maybe not floaty.  Floaty is more like allergies or sickness...TV STATIC!  Yes I feel TV static in my head.  It makes it hard to function after work, like studying, or reading something complex, or writing, or taking a shower.  That's right, I said taking a shower.  So yesterday I was mad at the hotel for like 2 hours because I didn't have any hot water in my shower.  I figured it was due to the high occupancy of the hotel (this has happened to me before).   People get off of work and use the hot water supply.  But after two hours I was all like "come on, people what the hell?"  And then I was like fine I will just wash my face.  So I did.  In the sink.  With hot water.   *Super blush* Turns out I was turning the faucet the wrong way every time I tried to "let the water warm up."  Yup.  Took me two hours to figure that out and I'm trying to go to grad school. LOL!!

Hope you had a little laugh!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Check out my new blogs!

Dear ladies and gents.  Just for everyone's information, and in case you neglect to read my other postings, but like reading this one, I am starting two new blogs.  One is called Reviewer's Choice! which will tell you about things I like or don't and give you my opinion on those specifically.

The other is called "Workout Tips: The Skinnie" (will hyperlink that later), and it is going to be my nutritional advice that I learn for the day.  I am going to be trying to lose weight like mad in the next two months (because I am sick of the weight I've gained this past year) and I thought I would give out my opinions and things that I am finding that work and do not work.

Of course I will continue to ramble on this blog at all times I remember to, and hope you guys check out my new stuff!
