Saturday, July 21, 2012

E.Coli Breakout in Portland's Water - GROSS!

So, apparently today during the normal water test, E.Coli tested positive in Portland's Washington Park reservoir.  Gross.

If you don't know much about E.Coli, here is a wiki link.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Exercising Fun it possible, or is that an oxymoronic statement?

So, as I try to motivate myself, I thought a good way to go about it would be to write some more useful tips on exercising!

Did you know that 30 minutes before or after you work out (I tend to go with after as I don't want to make myself sick) is when your body absorbs the most out of your food.  You can do what I (sometimes) do and have a glass of superfood after working out to make sure your body absorbs all it needs.

Busy mom or dad?  Work a lot? Only 20 minutes in your day to work out?  Try working TWO muscle groups together...WHAT?  It's easy, and very tiring, but very beneficial as you will get your heart rate where it needs to be in order to burn of calories, PLUS you build muscle which will more efficiently burn away those pesky pounds!

So I, like many a militant trainer out there, recommend doing at the very minimum, a 20 minute circuit routine.  Why do I recommend it?  Because I've done it and it works relatively quickly.  Why should you trust me?  You shouldn't!  I only know what I say works because I do it - I've not done any training to train others.  Just take my advice and try it out if you want.

First start with a 2 minute warm up.  Loosen your muscles so you don't strain or pull anything.  This includes arm, knee and hip circles and a few jumping jacks to elevate your heart rate.

Now what you are going to do is THREE minutes of strength training.  Usually you do 1:30 of two different exercises so you don't get too tired.  Now for this, you MUST work a large muscle group and a smaller muscle group.  What does this mean?  Work your arms and legs - squats and shoulder presses; side lunges and lateral raises; lunges and biceps curl.  Whatever you do, be careful.

Next, TWO minutes of cardio.  Don't want to use a machine for two minutes?  That's fine.  Here are some ideas for cardio: butt kicks (run in place and kick your butt), jump rope or double jump rope, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, etc.  Loads of stuff to do without a machine.  Figure out what you want to do and again, pick two different exercises and perform them for one minute each.

For the last cycle,  ONE minute of abs.  That's right, core lesson - can't have a well balanced healthy body without throwing some core workouts in there.  Don't forget not just your upper abs (crunches).  You absolutely have to do your oblique and lower abs to get rid of everything.  Reverse crunches especially get rid of that weird lower pooch.

Rinse. Repeat.  Well you don't have to rinse yet, but repeat the THREE, TWO, ONE system for 20 minutes (about three cycles), and you will feel great.  In a quick amount of time you will feel stronger, which makes you feel better, which will keep you on Motivation Express...maybe!

If you want to challenge yourself, or loose weight at a more rapid pace, you can do this cycle for longer than 20 minutes.  With this type of exercise you will burn about 200 calories, which doesn't seem like a lot.  You can work that off on a treadmill or an elliptical just as fast.  HOWEVER, the cool thing about this workout that you can NOT get from the machines is muscle buildup.  Muscle buildup is one of the key things for your metabolism to speed and keep at a higher fat burning rate for a longer period of time than just running.

Of course a combination of a circuit workout and other things (like running) is what would probably be the ideal workout, but if you have to choose, the THREE, TWO, ONE 20 minute system is more beneficial long term.  Plus it's not as hard on your knees as running on a treadmill.

That is my other helpful tidbit of workout knowledge; it is better to run outdoors than in on a treadmill because of the damage a treadmill can cause to your knee joints.  But it is better to run indoors than not do anything at all; after all a healthy body means a healthy mind, which results with your happiness in life.

Don't forget to cool down and stretch!  I read somewhere that stretching helps sluff off body fat faster than not stretching.  Whether that's true or not, it's important to stretch your muscles so you don't tear or damage yourself!  Happy workout!

Songs and stuff

Isn't it so interesting the way that some people have with words?  Their speech, their writing, their singing, whatever it is, people have come up with some pretty eloquent and articulated phrases that resonate within your self, and somehow really move you as a person.  Then pen really is mightier than a sword within that sphere.

I've been thinking a lot about how songs in particular just do something--magic, ya know?  I love how it has been a tradition of various cultures (Russian, Italian, German, Chinese, Mayan, Mexican, Gaelic, Celtic to name a few!) to pass stories through songs.  Most of the main stream pop culture songs have drifted away from that tradition, but if you enjoy music and are somewhat of a connoisseur (and you enjoy more of a story rather than a dry hump song), it can be relatively easy to find good, heart singing music.

One of my favorite artists that does this is Anais Mitchell (  She has a CD that has been out for a while now, entitled "Hades Town."  It is amazing!  Not only are the vocals, music, etc., just spectacular, but she also tells this really cool story of Orpheus and Eurydice.  It's got a real solid southern bluesy sound to the album, and it is totally rocking!  I've not had anybody I make listen to the CD dislike it.  One of my favorite songs on the album is "Gone, I'm Gone," and here is why: The way Anais sings it is so unique, but the lyrics (which I believe she wrote herself) are unnervingly beautiful to listen to, and it speaks to a unique human characteristic.

                                         Orpheus my heart is yours, always was and will be.
                                         It's my gut I can't ignore; Orpheus I'm hungry.
                                         Oh my heart it aches to stay but the flesh will have it's way.
                                         Oh the way is dark and long, but I'm already gone; I'm gone.

                                        Go ahead and lay the blame; talk of virtue, talk of sin.
                                        Wouldn't you have done the same in her shoes, in her skin?
                                        You can have your principles when you have your belly full,
                                        but hunger has a way with you.  There's no telling what your gonna do
                                        when the chips are down, now that the chips are down...."

It's mainly the first verse that I put up here with the "unique human characteristic" (desire) that I referred to.  Within it she talks of how there is a longing and desire within each of us to do something that maybe we shouldn't.  Even though we know it's wrong while we are doing it, we may continue to do so.  And it's not just focused on this one character Eurydice, but her second verse asks of Orpheus, what he would have done in her place?  Would he not have done something similar if there was something equally as tantalizing to him?  Obviously the original story reflects The Bible's Adam and Eve story (it's everywhere!)  But I like how Anais makes it into a question of "what would you have done in that situation?  Probably the same damn thing!"  So, shut the front door people and think about it!